Yatsugatake walk vol.8

a perfect guide of Yatsugatake area for tourists

Paul Smither’s Yatsugatake and Southern Alps

Mountain plants Field guide – 1 (P.20)

Chrysanthemum makinoi

The japanese name, Ryunougiku is named after Ryunouju (Dryobalanops aromatica) which produces the essential oil called Ryuno (Boneol). You can smell its aroma when you crush the leaves.
This chrysanthemum can be found alongside sunny paths in the mountains and in open stony places where other plant growth is kept in check. Forming little mounds of silvery green leaves this plant is often over looked until the autumn when cheery yellow centered white daisy like flowers are produced in profusion. Flowering well into December the leaves gradually change to various shades of red making an eye-catching contrast to the flowers. Easy to use in the front of the garden border where the foliage will be a pretty foil for spring and summer flowering plants before the flowers come into there own in late autumn. The seed is very tiny but will germinate well to produce plants of varying sizes but all garden worthy.