Yatsugatake walk vol.8

a perfect guide of Yatsugatake area for tourists

Paul Smither’s Yatsugatake and Southern Alps

Mountain plants Field guide – 2 (P.50)

Primula japonica

If you are a keen gardener  in the UK its quite likely that you have visited a garden where this primula is planted in large drifts in the damp ground alongside water. Many cultivars have been developed for gardens but it is the true native form with its clusters of purple flowers that is the most beautiful.
When hiking in the mountains in late April and May watch out for this perennial when crossing rivers and streams. Once the flowers have finished a mass of tiny seeds are produced which are easily transported by water helping this plant to make impressive colonies. The large cabbage like leaves from a wonderful contrast with the ferns and grasses that are often found growing in association with this plant.